The Artful Escape summed up in single gif:

Because at one part Wes Anderson movie, one part Yellow Submarine, one part classic LucasArts adventure, one part Guitar Hero, with a hefty dash of surreal Studio Ghibli wonder, The Artful Escape is arguably the most stunning and strange (in a good way!) game of 2021.

From Australian developers Beethoven & Dinosaur, and powerhouse indie publisher Annapurna Interactive, musical narrative adventure The Artful Escape centres on guitar-playing prodigy Francis Vendetti (voiced by Michael Johnston) who is expected to carry on the legacy of his legendary, Bob Dylan-esque uncle, Johnson Vendetti. Except, Francis is wilting in his uncle’s shadow. He’s supposed to be a serious folk musician, when all he wants to do is play extravagant electric guitar.

Fortunately he’s about to recruited as a support act for galactically renowned guitarist Lightman (Carl Weathers), and it’s a journey that will see Francis shred his way across the psychedelic Cosmic Extraordinary – the dimension beyond, or between, the known universe. At the same time, our teenage hero will develop his stage persona’s story and aesthetic, plus find confidence to assert his own identity as an artist.

The Artful Escape isn’t the first game of 2021 to deal with artistic authenticity, and the weight of legacy. See the acclaimed Chicory. However, it seems fair to say that you’ve probably never experienced anything like The Artful Escape before.

At a certain point in the game, Lightman tells a hesitant Francis, “An artist’s job isn’t to give people what they want; it’s to give people something they never could have imagined.” That certainly seems to be the guiding principle for Beethoven & Dinosaur while making The Artful Escape.

This is a game where you dance alongside bobbing, blobby Plasticine creatures in psychedelic colours; sprint along mountain tops while sky whale crustaceans fly by with neon cities on their backs; try to win over a monstrous moth beast with your music; and outrun militant Fashionista aliens whose world has been upended by your refusal to fit their definition of popular style. It’s jaw-dropping and dreamlike, and really should be played on the best screen, and highest graphics settings possible.

Of course, magnificent visuals can’t carry an entire project. And quirkiness for the sake of quirkiness does not a good game make. Fortunately, The Artful Escape is much like I Am Dead, also published by Annapurna Interactive, where its peculiarity grows on you. Or, rather, its eccentricity is paired with a (literally) colourful supporting cast and increasing emotional investment. Lena Headey, Jason Schwartzman and Mark Strong all contribute voices to The Artful Escape, while standout characters include the visible-brained Zomm and the wandering pair of style-obsessed aliens Frida and Carvaggio. Plus, it just feels fantastic to be an intergalactic rock star, transforming worlds with your jam sessions.

It’s probably better to say that you experience The Artful Escape more than play it. At just 4-5 hours, it can be completed in a couple of sittings, and it’s never demanding in terms of gameplay. There’s some very light platforming, character customisation and music rhythm sections, with the last item on that list offering the most, but still only moderate, challenge.

Meanwhile, a Chapter Selection feature means that once a level is unlocked, you can return to replay it individually at any time, while skipping the stages you don’t enjoy as much. It’s all very accommodating.

To be fair, The Artful Escape is so weird – so far out – that it won’t be to everyone’s tastes. That said, for the same reason, it’s really something that everybody should experience at least once. Embark on the journey. You won’t regret it.

The Artful Escape is available now for PC and Xbox. You can also play it with Xbox Game Pass.

The Artful Escape review

The Artful Escape is a trip everyone should take at least once. It’s unquestionably far out there in many ways, but it offers a unique treat for the senses, and a surprisingly powerful emotional experience that grows on you as the game progresses. The most visually captivating and unforgettable game of 2021.

The Artful Escape was reviewed on PC